Whether it’s something you’ve planned for a while, or more of a spur-of-the-moment temptation (hey, look, I have a few free weekend hours after all!), the inspiration to take on a home improvement or painting project can be strong. Even if you’re a seasoned pro or an occasional do-it-yourself weekend warrior, no DIY project is risk-free. No matter the size of the project, take a breath and spend some time planning your work so you’re safe and smart when sprucing up your space. Here are some steps we’ve prepared to help you be as successful as possible and avoid DIY disasters.

• Be prepared. It’s the motto for the Boy Scouts of America, and it’s the best approach to getting started on your DIY project. This means following the oldest old saw out there: Measure twice, cut once. Double-check measurements, make sure the right tools are handy, and your walls are prepped before painting. This also means covering furniture and floors before your hands and fingers are dotting the furniture with wet paint.

• Taking time to get started before jumping right in is the best first step for avoiding mistakes that are costly in both time and money.

• The magic number is 3. When it comes to your ladder, which is one of the most dangerous pieces of DIY equipment, be sure to have at least three points of contact with it at all times: Two hands and at least one foot or at least one hand and two feet.

• Prep your rollers. Achieve a carefree coating with some pre-paint moisture (gently brush your wet hand over the roller) and a quick de- fuzzing (just roll some tape over the new roller surface).

• Breathe easy. Be sure to have windows open and a good draft wherever possible because paints can give off a steady whiff of irritation to the eyes and throat. Or consider water-based paint, which will be safer for you and better for the environment.

• Avoiding paint runs and lap marks. If proper care is taken to remove dripping paint from a brush, you’ll avoid most paint runs. If a run does happen — say your brush runs over a nail head you’d forgotten about — swipe the brush upwards from the bottom of the run. For avoiding lap marks, paint in sections — never top to bottom — when you paint a large wall. You want to be sure that the top of the wall will not be dry before you return to it from the bottom. If a lap mark does occur, apply another coat of paint, taking care to maintain a wet edge the second time around.

• Finally, recognize your handy dandy DIY limits. DIY can be fun, satisfying, and a great use of your time. On the other hand, rushing it or cutting corners won’t be — and it will be more expensive.

Just in case your DIY project gets the best of you — or you’re not feeling up to the challenge, after all — give us a call at Ai Painting Plus. Our team takes enormous pride in our work and we’re eager to show you why we’ve earned the reputation as the best painters in Columbia.

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Ai Painting Plus
6991 S. Sinclair Rd.
Columbia, MO 65203
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